Resource Hub

We are curating and compiling health workforce data, policy information, and research from multiple sources in one place. We aspire to serve as a repository of timely and reliable information about health workforce issues in North Carolina.

Icon of three lines with points at different places. Meant to convey analyzing data and reports.


Find and navigate the best available health workforce data.

Icon of a magnifying glass meant to convey information


Collection of relevant policy information, reports and tools.

Icon meant to convey collaboration


Curated suite of data, templates, and best practices.

Doctors, selfie and women friends at hospital smile for photograph together with stethoscope. Happy, healthcare and interracial friendship picture of professional cardiology workers on break.
Icon meant to convey collaboration

Solutions Playbook

This dynamic resource provides data profiles, planning templates, and a library of promising practices. The playbook is grounded in information from the Health Talent Alliance initiative.

A small group of Nurse sit at a boardroom table as they meet to discuss patient cases. They are each dressed professionally in scrubs and have stethoscopes around their necks as they discuss plans of care for each case.
Icon of a magnifying glass meant to convey information

Policy & Research

Look for relevant and timely policy information, case studies, research and promising practices related to health workforce.

In the Industrial Engineering Facility: Portrait of the Smart and Handsome Male Engineer Working on Desktop Computer.
Icon of three lines with points at different places. Meant to convey analyzing data and reports.

Data Hub

We collect and curate the best available data resources on our state’s health workforce and provide technical assistance so you can find and use the information that matters to you.

Can’t find what you are looking for?

Or do you know about something that we should include? We’d love to hear from you!

Get in touch

NC Center on the Workforce for Health

145 Medical Drive

Chapel Hill, NC 27516