Healthcare Ecosystem Projections

These 5 ‘Major Shifts’ will Shape the New Health(care) Landscape

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Expand clinical capacity

This article was originally published on LinkedIn.

Lucien Engelen | July 1, 2020

This article highlights the urgent need for improvements in Dutch healthcare, guided by the “Quadruple Aim” framework, which prioritizes public health, patient care quality, cost control, and healthcare professionals’ job satisfaction. Currently, the system leans heavily towards treatment, often neglecting prevention and lifestyle enhancements.

Key Themes:

Anticipated Shifts in Healthcare:

New Health Ecosystem Dynamics:

Current Achievements vs. Challenges:

The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards Virtual Healthcare but has not significantly altered the anticipated long-term changes in the healthcare landscape.

Strategic Vision: Healthcare leaders must develop a clear vision for the future, identify needs, foster partnerships, ensure sustainable business models, and maintain ongoing dialogue to effectively navigate these shifts and enhance healthcare delivery in the Netherlands.

Engelen, L. (2021, August 27). These 5 ‘Major Shifts’ will shape the new health(care) landscape.